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Ms. Asha Sundararajan

Ms. Asha Sundararajan

My name is Asha, and I am the founding director of the School STEM Program known as the Loyola Technology Center at the St. Joseph Boys High School. I am a passionate educator, environmentalist, and fertigation specialist. 

Nicky Ranganathan, my husband, and Joy were classmates at IIT. I had the pleasure of meeting Joy once at the 25th reusnion, but know Joy more through the fond memories of Nicky.

October of 2021, inspired by the dedication of the founding team, I volunteered to help design and establish the program at the LTC. I have a MA in Education from Teachers College Columbia University, and had worked in private and public schools in New York.

My family and I had moved to India in 2005, and I had founded Children's Technology Workshop in 2007 with the vision to bring the best of breed technology and learning environment for students. I carried forward this mission of raising ingenius, intuitive, and insquisitive children to the  LTC, but with a slight twist - we wanted to keep the program accessible to all, and on a shoe string budget. In addition, following JTF's priciples, we wanted a program that could provide a motivational leap foundation for students.

The support from the school, in particular Fr. Sunil, Fr. Vishal, and alumnii was unwavering. It is a pleasure to see the work now expand and take its own wings, and the concepts of LTC are begining to flow in fellow Jesuit schools, and more.

As an educator, I cannot ask for anything more than the eager children bounding into the LTC, and really arguing why they should be allowed to hangout more often.

In the words of Frank Baum, "No thief, however skillful, can rob one of  knowledge, that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire."

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